Last updated
Last updated
highly performant (5-20s faster than existing solutions)
supports advanced transaction types
supports Blur bidding system
three display modes
Create new alert group
Description - Add a description to remind you what the alert is for.
List of Addresses - Wallet addresses to track. Can be any format, commas, spaces, etc.
Format: address, address, address, ens, ens, ens
List of Address Names - Replaces wallet address or ENS in the alert with your custom name.
Format: address:name1, address:name2, address:name3
Discord Webhook URL / Telegram chat ID
Mints - any NFT mints with optional quick task tool field
Buys - secondary buys
Sells - secondary sells
Transfers - currently supports only basic ETH transfers
Contract Deploys - self explanitory
Contract Calls - contract interactions from wallets that aren't other categories
Coins - ERC20 token swaps
Full embed - Text message with full discord embed
Small embed - Text message with compact discord embed
No embed - Text message only
Create a Telegram Group
Invite 3gm bots (all 5)
get ID from
Use the ID in the Discord Alerts setup
remove @RawDataBot from your group
Discord Ping Role - Adds a role ping to the alert. Must be the UID of the role.
Get Telegram Chat ID by inviting bot @RawDataBot
Monitor activity of a wallet and receive webhook notifications.